February 06, 2022

Apple to unveil low cost 5G iPhone March

Where are those peoples that secretly love to use an iPhone, but the problem why they never get themselves an iPhone is because they don't have such a huge amount to spend, but they keep on pretending as if they hate to use an iPhone... Here is a great opportunity to get yourself an iPhone.

March 8th, 2022 is the date Aple Inc targeted to launch a low-cost 5G iPhone and an updated iPad, Bloomberg News reported this on Friday.

According to the report, the new iPhone will be the new update of the iPhone SE model and the first of its kind in two years.

Note: The iPhone will feature 5G network capabilities, an improved camera including a faster processor.

Remember that Apple Inc announced two new MacBook Pro models that run on more powerful in-house chips in October 2021.

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With the expected launch still more than a month away, Apple’s plans may change in the face of production delays or other changes, the report added.

The company did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment. read more

Cupertino, California-based Apple is overcoming the costly global shortage in computer chips and posted record sales over the holiday quarter in January, beating profit estimates and forecasting that its shortfall is narrowing.
