URN (Urban Rant Nigeria) is a rapidly expanding news hub in Nigeria. Iheji omega, a renowned writer and graphic designer, founded it in 2016. URN was created by Iheji Omega as a platform to track all of the most recent trending news. URN has grown into a comprehensive news platform that spans all social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and others. We focused on entertainment, lifestyle, breaking news, gossip, trending news, and current events from around the world.
The goal of this platform was to neutralize bogus news and incorrect information that spread across the internet by bringing in actual information from a trusted source. Our team of experts are prepared to travel to any part of the country to obtain information from a credible source. All of the news that we publish on our various platforms are verified, and we will not allow any misleading information. Through our platforms, we envisioned bringing knowledge from around the world to your fingertips.
This platform's purpose is to promote peace and coexistence among all people, regardless of tribes, color, or gender. To disseminate unadulterated information to the broader audience while reducing the quantity of incorrect or fake news reports. To serve as the people's voice and to provide unbiased information to the broader public. We have the general public's interest at heart. We are truth defenders, not people-pleasers.
Share our material with your family and friends, leave a comment on our blog, and follow us on all of our social media channels to show your support. We have come to provide you with better service.
With the help of Urban Rant Nigeria. You will not be left out of any news.